
What is Edentulism?

An edentulous patient is a patient who is missing all of their teeth.

There are several clinical and psychological consequences for patients that do not have any teeth:

CLINICAL Consequences


Reduced chewing function Pre-mature aging
Moderate to severe bone loss Less enjoyment of foods
Poor fitting dentures Lowered self-confidence
Sore spots Socially inhibited
Digestive & nutritional problems Seldom laugh
Moderate to severe weight loss Poor self-image



Edentulism: What Options Are Available?

Taking the step toward replacing missing teeth is a big decision.  With the latest dental implant technology available today, there has never been a better time for edentulous patients to replace their missing teeth. 

During your initial consultation and oral examination, Dr. Papadimitriou will thoroughly explain all of the treatment options available for your particular case.  To give you an idea of some of the options that may be available to you, please click on the following links: